
Unless stated otherwise, all amounts are in € million.

The Parent company financial statements are the financial statements of Koninklijke DSM N.V., which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Netherlands.

The accounting policies used are the same as those used in the consolidated financial statements, in accordance with the provisions of article 362-8 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. In these separate financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the net asset value. The balance sheet presentation is aligned with the consolidated financial statements in order to enhance transparency and facilitate understanding.

The statutory seat of Royal DSM is Het Overloon 1, Heerlen (Netherlands). A list of DSM participations has been filed with the Chamber of Commerce (Netherlands) and is available from the company upon request, as well as on the company website. DSM is registered with the Dutch Commercial Register under number 14022069.

Information on the use of financial instruments and on related risks for the group is provided in the 'Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Royal DSM'.

Other income consists mainly of the charged corporate overhead and services to the group companies.

The company forms a fiscal unity for corporate income tax purposes together with the group companies in the Netherlands. Each of the companies recognizes the portion of corporate income tax that the relevant company would owe as an independent tax payer, taking into account the tax liabilities applicable to the company.