DSM Integrated Annual Report 2020

Our environmental ambitions are defined in our Responsible Care Plan

The DSM Responsible Care Plan (DRCP) is aligned with our strategy. The DRCP defines our ambitions, targets and actions in the fields of safety, health, environmental footprint, value chain sustainability, climate adaptation and security.

Our key targets are our Science Based Targets

The key targets in the DRCP are our Science Based Targets, comprising a greenhouse gas (GHG) scope 1 + 2 emission absolute reduction of 30% and a GHG scope 3 intensity reduction of 28% by 2030 versus our 2016 baseline. These were reviewed and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative in early 2019 and are the foundation for achieving our net zero by 2050 commitment.

Our scope 1 + 2 target is supported by our renewable electricity target (75% of purchased electricity to be sourced from renewables by 2030) and our annual average energy efficiency improvement of at least 1% until 2030. Our scope 3 target is supported by the CO2REDUCE program.

Next to mitigating climate change, we are also working on climate adaptation. To improve the resilience of our assets against potential physical impacts of climate change, we conducted physical risk assessments in 2020. This involved mapping high-risk areas and our top 30 sites for five emerging hazards and long-term impacts using two time horizons and three climate scenarios. More information on our physical risk assessment is provided in Risk management.

Our targets on water, waste, emissions and substances of very high concern

Our other company targets are driving improvements in the areas of water, waste, other emissions and substances of high concern.

We will continue to drive the different water-related improvements that we identified during the water risk assessments in the past year, while shaping even more context-based water improvement plans for 2021 onwards. Furthermore, we continue to enhance our insights and capabilities to steer volatile organic compounds and waste improvements and we will develop action plans for all products containing substances of very high concern.

In 2020, we made good progress on the key objectives of the DRCP. Additional information about our Planet performance is provided in the Sustainability statements, our value creation model and Stakeholder engagement.

Greenhouse gas